Development environment

You will need Baserock 14.22 or later in order to deploy successfully a Vagrant Basebox.

Changes needed to your system

In order to be a Vagrant basebox, your system needs a number of small changes to 'standard' Baserock systems. In particular Vagrant defines a number of requirements such as sudo, various sshd configuration changes and a user called vagrant with a fixed password and support for a well-known ssh keypair.

As such, do not put Vagrant baseboxes directly onto the Internet if you use the mechanism described in this document.

  1. Your system must be one of the supported architectures. Currently that is only x86_64 due to VirtualBox build system limitations but will be extended to include x86_32 at some point in the near future.

  2. You need to ensure sudo is available on your system. Currently the sudo chunk is included only in the tools stratum which means that systems such as the development system are suitable for turning into Vagrant baseboxes.

  3. You need sshd which is part of the openssh chunk currently found in foundation and as such is part of all but the most minimal of Baserock systems.

  4. You must include the virtualbox-guest-x86_64 stratum in your system. This will provide the VirtualBox Guest Additions which are necessary for shared folder mounting and other interactions between guest and host.

  5. You must include the vagrant configuration extension in your system definition. This does the Vagrant specific configuration such as adding a the vagrant user and configuring sudo and the sshd.

  6. You must ensure the install-files extension is enabled for your system (which it typically will be).

Changes needed to your deployment

Actually turning your new system into a Vagrant Basebox is done in two steps. You will need a computer with VirtualBox installed which you are able to SSH into, which also has Vagrant installed on it. It will need enough disk space to store four copies of your system (you can get away with only enough for two copies).

  1. Ensure in your deployment cluster morphology that you are using the virtualbox-ssh deployment write method.

  2. If you have an INSTALL_FILES manifest already, include the contents of the vagrant-files tree in the definitions repository. Otherwise simply set INSTALL_FILES in your cluster to point at vagrant-files/manifest.

  3. Add VAGRANT: yes to your morphology. This will trigger the extensions/vagrant.configure script to actually do its thing and also will cause the virtualbox-ssh write extension to set up networking according to Vagrant's needs rather than in the default Baserock manner.

Actions to perform

When you have all the above completed, the following is the sequence of operations needed to prepare a basic basebox package:

  1. Build your system using morph build mysystem

  2. Deploy that to your VirtualBox/Vagrant host with morph deploy mycluster

  3. On the VirtualBox host, run vagrant package --base myvmname where myvmname is the name you gave to your VirtualBox deployment during part 2. This will leave you with a file ( containing the Vagrant basebox definition. You can copy that file around, give it to others, etc.

How to use the basebox in the absence of further integration

Without further integration, to use the basebox, first add it to your Vagrant installation by running vagrant box add somename /path/to/ Once that is done, you can use the basebox under the name somename as you would any other Vagrant basebox.

Trivially, to test that, in an otherwise empty directory run vagrant init and then edit the VagrantFile produced changing the basebox name ( to somename before running vagrant up to start the VM.

When you're done investigating in this manner, you can use vagrant to remove the VM and the basebox from your system in the usual ways.


A sample system is provided in the Baserock definitions repository. You can look at devel-system-x86_64-vagrant.morph for a system definition.

Since deploying involves knowing about your local infrastructure, an example cluster morphology is instead included here:

name: mycluster
kind: cluster
- morph: systems/devel-system-x86_64-vagrant.morph
      type: extensions/virtualbox-ssh
      location: vbox+ssh://myuser@myvboxhost/baserock-basebox/somwhere/to/put/baserock-basebox.vdi
      HOSTNAME: baserock-basebox
      DISK_SIZE: 100G
      RAM_SIZE: 1G
      NETWORK_CONFIG: lo:loopback;eth0:dhcp,hostname=$(hostname)
      INSTALL_FILES: vagrant-files/manifest
      VAGRANT: yes

It's worth noting that the example above shows HOST_IPADDR which is actually not needed for vagrant deployments but that we recommend you include because it makes it easier to switch between basebox deployments and the traditional deployment type used in Baserock for VirtualBox.

The disk size above is 100G, your basebox will not be that large but instead think of it as representing an upper limit on the amount of storage available inside the image once in use.

Enjoy your Baserocky Vagrants.