BuildStream and Baserock

BuildStream is a new build tool which takes ideas from previous Baserock build tools (ybd and Morph) and makes them accessible to a much wider audience.

We are aiming to migrate to BuildStream.

BuildStream definitions

The current Baserock definitions format is not supported by BuildStream, however a conversion tool is provided.

We are working on an automated conversion.

Prebuilt artifacts

The Baserock project has a BuildStream artifact cache set up at:

Currently there is no web frontend. There is some work on setting up GitLab CI builders to push artifacts to the cache.

To check for remote artifacts in that cache when building, add this to your BuildStream user config:


Running your own artifact cache

BuildStream has instructions on setting up a suitable OSTree artifact cache.

To push, you need to add correct push-url and push-port entries to your BuildStream user config.

You should then see artifacts being written to the cache when successfully built.