OpenStack on Baserock

This guide covers how to deploy an OpenStack cluster with Baserock, and a few guides for verifying it is correctly working, since while OpenStack itself provides guides for configuring and verifying that an OpenStack deployment is working correctly, at the time of writing there is not yet an upstreamed guide.

The Install guides may still be a useful reference when following this.


Gathering environment details

For OpenStack to be able to assign floating IP addresses to nodes, it needs to have a range of addresses to allocate.

Some services need to bind themselves to only serve on specific interfaces, and since the only way they may be configured to do this is via the binding IP address, the mac address of the devices need to be collected and registered with the network administrator to assign static leases.

In multi-node configurations, it is recommended to have a private network between the nodes, rather than communicating over the external network, so the mapping between the physical links and the devices needs to be recorded for later configuration.

In this guide we are going to allow DHCP for the external network, but we also need an extra address assignment in a different subnet for the floating IP range, which is going to be the subnet.

Deploying system images

There are multiple cluster morphologies for deploying different configurations of OpenStack. One for everything in one node, a second for two nodes, and a third for three nodes.

Deployment instructions are self-contained. For two node and three node configurations it is recommended to use the HOSTS_* options to add entries to the hosts file for all the statically configured IP addresses and use the host name for all the other configuration entries that require an address.

For multi-node configurations, addressing other nodes is handled by assigning static addresses to the appropriate interface in the SIMPLE_NETWORK configuration option, and adding entries to hosts files.

For more information you could have a look at the clusters definitions:

Post-deployment networking configuration

Since we have our floating IP range in a different subnet, and the networking is more complicated than SIMPLE_NETWORK may handle at the time of writing, we must do some post-hoc network configuration by logging into the node that handles networking (the only node and the controller node in single node and two node OpenStack configurations) and running the following command.

cat /run/systemd/network/* - >>/etc/systemd/network/ <<'EOF'
# If we're on systemd 219, we can enable forwarding here


Any other deployment specific networking config that may not be expressed in SIMPLE_NETWORK configuration may be done here.

To apply this networking change, issue systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service.

Authorisation environment variable setup

Create openrc by looking up in the cluster definition what the default username and password is. The defaults as set by default are:

cat >openrc <<'EOF'
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=veryinsecure
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://controller:35357/v2.0

Substitute the word controller in the OS_AUTH_URL variable with an address that the controller node (the only node in single node OpenStack configurations) may be reached by.

Physical network configuration

You then need to start configuring networking. Now that we're actually running openstack commands, from now on we need the authentication config, so run the . openrc command, before running the following command.

neutron net-create ext-net --shared --router:external \
    --provider:network_type=flat --provider:physical_network=External

If this command failed with unsupported locale setting you may need to run export LC_ALL=C to fix this.

For this guide we use the range, so configure that subnet with a reaonably sized allocation pool for virtual machines.

neutron subnet-create --name ext-subnet --disable-dhcp \
    --allocation-pool start=,end= \
    --gateway ext-net

If you forget to --disable-dhcp you will create a DHCP server in your network

Testing with a demo tenancy

Add demo user and tenant

keystone tenant-create --name demo --description "Demo Tenant"
keystone user-create --name demo --tenant demo --pass demo --email demo
cat >demorc <<'EOF'
export OS_TENANT_NAME=demo
export OS_USERNAME=demo
export OS_PASSWORD=demo
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://controller:5000/v2.0

As before, swap controller for the address of the controller node.

Adding a private network

We need to source the new user config, so we can set up the demo network's config.

. demorc
neutron net-create demo-net
neutron subnet-create --name demo-subnet --gateway \

Routing a private network to the external network

The network has been created, but before it is able to get external network connectivity, we need to add a router to bridge the networks.

neutron router-create demo-router
neutron router-interface-add demo-router demo-subnet
neutron router-gateway-set demo-router ext-net

If the last command fails with Unable to find subnet with name 'ext-subnet', then it may be that the ext-net network is missing the shared flag. To set this, authenticate with . openrc and run neutron net-update ext-net --shared.

Adding a test image

To download a test CirrOS image, run the following command. It is also recommended that you verify that the image download URL is still active.

glance image-create --name cirros64 \
    --location \
    --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --progress

Testing Virtual Machine booting

Boot instructions

To test that VMs work, run:

nova boot test --flavor 1 --image cirros64 --nic net-id=`neutron net-show demo-net -F id -f value`

It is possible to track its boot progress by running:

watch --differences=permanent nova show test

At this point the virtual machine may connect to other machines on its internal network, but for full use, it needs to have some port rules allowed, and a floating IP address.

Allowing access in

The following rules allow ICMP (ping) and TCP 22 (SSH).

neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol icmp \
    --direction ingress default
neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 \
    --port-range-max 22 --direction ingress default

Note that it is also possible to set security group rules with nova, but this is for the legacy nova networking, and these rules won't be applied.

Assigning a floating IP

ip=$(neutron floatingip-create ext-net -c floating_ip_address -f value | tail -n1)
nova floating-ip-associate test $ip

At this point it should be possible to ping or ssh into the VM from the host, and between different VMs on the same host, via their floating IPs. If we forget the assigned floating IP, we can look it up with nova floating-ip-list, or nova list and ping or ssh to that address.

Using the Horizon web interface

We may access the Horizon web interface by connecting to the controller node's address.

We should be presented with a log in screen. The credentials of the demo user we created earlier may be used for access.

Viewing the VMs console in Horizon

For one-node, the console in Horizon is available for the VMs by default; but for multinode you will need to set the required IPs in the compute node following the instructions given by Openstack admin guide VNC FAQ .

Adding a test volume

To create a volume of 2 GB run the following command:

cinder create 2 --display-name test-volume

To attach the volume to the test virtual machine run:

nova volume-attach test `cinder show test-volume | awk '/ id /{print $4}'`

To ensure that the volume is attached you could check nova show test should show the uuid of the test-volume.

Bare Metal Provisioning

You can provision real hardware instead of Virtual Machines using the Ironic service of OpenStack. Before running any command with the OpenStack CLI clients, ensure that you are authenticated with the OpenStack Identity service.

Network Setup

How the network configuration should be done very much depends on how your network topology is, and in particular, how the bare metal machines are connected to the OpenStack node which handles networking. Here we describe two possible ways to configure the network, one for a one-node OpenStack system, and a second one for a three-node OpenStack system.

(a) Network Setup For an One-Node OpenStack System

For one-node network configuration, we assume that the bare metal machines which you are about to provision with Ironic are placed in a separate network segment, which is connected through a dedicated network interface in the one-node machine (the network interface could be a virtual network interface with an associated vlan ID created from a physical network interface).

1) Configure the ml2 plugin by giving a name to the physical network where the bare metal machines are placed, and a name for the bridge which will be used to reach that network

sed -i '/^flat_networks/ s/$/,BaremetalNetwork/' /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
sed -i '/^bridge_mappings/ s/$/,BaremetalNetwork:br-bm/' /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

2) Create the Open vSwitch bridge for bare metal provisioning and add the network interface which is connected to the bare metal network (ens5 in this case) to this bridge

ovs-vsctl add-br br-bm
ovs-vsctl add-port br-bm ens5

3) Restart the OpenStack networking services

systemctl restart openstack-neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
systemctl restart openstack-neutron-server

4) Verify that the services started correctly

systemctl status openstack-neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent openstack-neutron-server

5) Verify that the br-bm bridge is connected to the br-int bridge through a veth pair using the ovs-vsctl show command. You should see an output similiar to this

Bridge br-bm
    Port br-bm
        Interface br-bm
            type: internal
    Port "ens5"
        Interface "ens5"
    Port phy-br-bm
        Interface phy-br-bm
            type: patch
            options: {peer=int-br-bm}

6) Create the flat network which is going to be used for provisioning the bare metal machines. If the commands issued with the Neutron CLI client are failing with unsupported locale setting, you will want to run export LC_ALL=C to fix this.

# Create the bare metal network and subnet
neutron net-create --provider:network_type flat \
    --provider:physical_network BaremetalNetwork --shared bm-net
neutron subnet-create --name bm-subnet --ip-version=4 \
    --gateway= --enable-dhcp \
    --allocation-pool start=,end= \

# Create the external network and subnet.  Replace
# $EXT_NETWORK_CIDR and $EXT_NET_GATEWAY with the CIDR and gateway
# IP address of your external network
neutron net-create ext-net --router:external
neutron subnet-create --name ext-subnet --enable_dhcp=False \
    --gateway=$EXT_NET_GATEWAY ext-net $EXT_NETWORK_CIDR

# Connect the bare metal network and the external network
neutron router-create bm-ext-router
neutron router-gateway-set bm-ext-router ext-net
neutron router-interface-add bm-ext-router subnet=bm-subnet

# Add an IP address to the bare metal bridge to create a route to
# the bare metal network.  This is necessary so that the Ironic
# Conductor service reaches the bare metal machine to run the iSCSI
# commands
ip addr add dev br-bm
ip link set br-bm up

(b) Network Setup For a Three-Node OpenStack System

For three-node configuration, we assume that the bare metal machines which you are about to provision with Ironic are placed in the same network segment as the management network. We are also assuming that the management IP address for the Networking node is and the management subnet is

On the Networking node, perform the following steps

1) Configure the ml2 plugin by giving a name to the physical network where the bare metal machines are placed, and a name for the bridge which will be used to reach that network

sed -i '/^flat_networks/ s/$/,BaremetalNetwork/' /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
sed -i '/^bridge_mappings/ s/$/,BaremetalNetwork:br-bm/' /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

2) Create the Open vSwitch bridge for bare metal provisioning and add the network interface which is connected to the management network (enp2s0 in this case) to this bridge

ovs-vsctl add-br br-bm
ovs-vsctl add-port br-bm enp2s0

3) Restart the OpenStack Open vSwitch plugin

systemctl restart openstack-neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent

4) Verify that the service started correctly

systemctl status openstack-neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent

5) Verify that the br-bm bridge is connected to the br-int bridge through a veth pair using the ovs-vsctl show command. You should see an output similiar to this

Bridge br-bm
    Port br-bm
        Interface br-bm
            type: internal
    Port "enp2s0"
        Interface "enp2s0"
    Port phy-br-bm
        Interface phy-br-bm
            type: patch
            options: {peer=int-br-bm}

6) Move the management IP address from the management interface to the bare metal bridge

ip addr del dev enp2s0
ip addr add dev br-bm
ip link set br-bm up

Now, on the Controller node, perform the following steps

1) Configure the ml2 plugin by providing the name of the physical network where the bare metal machines are placed

sed -i '/^flat_networks/ s/$/,BaremetalNetwork/' /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini

2) Restart the OpenStack Neutron server

systemctl restart openstack-neutron-server

4) Verify that the service started correctly

systemctl status openstack-neutron-server

5) Create the flat network which is going to be used for provisioning the bare metal machines. If the commands issued with the Neutron CLI client are failing with unsupported locale setting, you may need to run export LC_ALL=C to fix this.

neutron net-create --provider:network_type flat \
    --provider:physical_network BaremetalNetwork \
    --shared --router:external bm-net
neutron subnet-create --name bm-subnet --ip-version=4 \
    --gateway= --enable-dhcp \
    --allocation-pool start=,end= \

Node Cleaning

You can configure Ironic to perform node cleaning, by running the following commands:

BM_NET_UUID="$(neutron net-show bm-net -F id -f value)"
sed -i "/^#cleaning_network_uuid/ s/.*/cleaning_network_uuid=$BM_NET_UUID/" \

Image Setup

Bare Metal provisioning requires two sets of images: the deploy images and the user images. The deploy images are used by the Bare Metal Service to prepare the bare metal machine for actual OS deployment. Whereas the user images are installed on the bare metal machine to be used by the end user.

You can use Diskimage Builder to build those images. You will need to run Diskimage Builder outside of a Baserock__-based system though, as it is not compatible with some of the Busybox tools used in Baserock_.

  1. Install the diskimage-builder on a no-Baserock machine

     pip install diskimage-builder
  2. Build the deploy image

     ramdisk-image-create ubuntu deploy-ironic -o my-deploy-ramdisk

    This will create my-deploy-ramdisk.kernel and my-deploy-ramdisk.initramfs images.

  3. Build the image that the users will run (ubuntu in this case)

     disk-image-create ubuntu baremetal dhcp-all-interfaces -o my-image

    This will create the my-image.qcow2, my-image.vmlinuz and my-image.initrd images_.

    Note that by default (at least for the ubuntu image), the root account is not active, so you will not be able to login into the deployed OS. You can workaround by mounting the my-image.qcow2 image and editing the /etc/shadow file to enable the root account.

  4. Upload the images to the OpenStack controller machine


    Replace $CONTROLLER_IP_ADDRESS with the external IP address of your OpenStack controller machine.

  5. Register the images with the OpenStack image service

     DEPLOY_VMLINUZ_UUID=$(glance image-create --name deploy-vmlinuz --is-public True \
         --disk-format aki < my-deploy-ramdisk.kernel | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
     DEPLOY_INITRD_UUID=$(glance image-create --name deploy-initrd --is-public True \
         --disk-format ari < my-deploy-ramdisk.initramfs | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
     MY_VMLINUZ_UUID=$(glance image-create --name my-kernel --is-public True \
         --disk-format aki < my-image.vmlinuz | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
     MY_INITRD_UUID=$(glance image-create --name my-image.initrd --is-public True \
         --disk-format ari < my-image.initrd | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
     MY_IMAGE_UUID=$(glance image-create --name my-image --is-public True \
         --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare \
         --property kernel_id=$MY_VMLINUZ_UUID --property ramdisk_id=$MY_INITRD_UUID \
         < my-image.qcow2 | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
  6. Verify that the images were registered sucessfully by checking the UUIDs

     cat << EOF

Provisioning Bare Metal Directly With Ironic

To enroll a node with Ironic, you need to specify which driver will be used for deployment, the required specific driver information, and the MAC address of the NIC which is going to be used to pxeboot on the bare metal machine. The drivers supported on OpenStack on Baserock are the pxe_ipmitool and the pxe_ssh drivers.

To enroll a node using the pxe_ipmitool driver, follow these steps

  1. Create a node specifying the driver to use and passing the specific driver required information:

     NODE_UUID=$(ironic node-create -d pxe_ipmitool \
         -i ipmi_address=$IPMI_IP_ADDRESS \
         -i ipmi_username=$IPMI_USERNAME \
         -i ipmi_password=$IPMI_PASSWORD \
         -i deploy_kernel=$DEPLOY_VMLINUZ_UUID \
         -i deploy_ramdisk=$DEPLOY_INITRD_UUID \
         | awk '/ uuid / {print $4}')

    Replace $IPMI_IP_ADDRESS, $IPMI_USERNAME and $IPMI_PASSWORD with the IP address of the IPMI NIC interface on the bare metal machine, the IPMI username and the IPMI password respectively.

  2. As there isn't a Nova flavor and the instance image is not provided with nova boot command, you also need to specify some fields in instance_info. For PXE deployment, they are image_source, kernel, ramdisk, and root_gb

     ironic node-update $NODE_UUID add instance_info/image_source=$MY_IMAGE_UUID \
         instance_info/kernel=$MY_VMLINUZ_UUID \
         instance_info/ramdisk=$MY_INITRD_UUID instance_info/root_gb=8

    The instance_info/root_gb field sets the size of the root partition which will be created on the bare metal machine's disk. Ensure that this value is greater than the size of the deployed image. Note that this value needs to be quoted to force a string interpretation due a bug in Ironic.

  3. Create a port for the network interface on the bare metal machine which is going to be used for pxeboot. This will configure a dnsmasq process to serve DHCP for that network interface and provide the IP address of the TFTP server on the DHCP Offer response

     IRONIC_PORT_UUID=$(ironic port-create -n $NODE_UUID \
         -a $MAC_ADDRESS | awk '/ uuid / {print $4}')
     NEUTRON_PORT_ID=$(neutron port-create bm-net \
         --mac-address $MAC_ADDRESS | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
     ironic port-update $IRONIC_PORT_UUID add extra/vif_port_id=$NEUTRON_PORT_ID

    Replace $MAC_ADDRESS with the MAC address of the bare metal NIC.

  4. Verify that everything is ready to go

     ironic node-validate $NODE_UUID
  5. Start provisioning the node

     ironic node-set-provision-state $NODE_UUID active
  6. Verify the operation

     ironic node-show $NODE_UUID

    It should show active on the provision_state field after a while.

Provisioning Bare Metal Through Nova

If you had set the NOVA_BAREMETAL_SCHEDULING to true in the cluster morphology, you can provision bare metal machines using Nova commands.

  1. Create a special bare metal flavor in Nova. This flavor will be mapped to the bare metal machine through hardware specifications

     nova flavor-create bm-flavor-1 auto $RAM_MB $DISK_GB $CPU
     nova flavor-key bm-flavor-1 set cpu_arch=$ARCH
  2. Create a node, giving extra properties to match the bare metal flavor created earlier

     NODE_UUID=$(ironic node-create -d pxe_ipmitool \
         -i ipmi_address=$IPMI_IP_ADDRESS \
         -i ipmi_username=$IPMI_USERNAME \
         -i ipmi_password=$IPMI_PASSWORD \
         -i deploy_kernel=$DEPLOY_VMLINUZ_UUID \
         -i deploy_ramdisk=$DEPLOY_INITRD_UUID \
         -p cpus=$CPU -p memory_mb=$RAM_MB -p local_gb=$DISK_GB -p cpu_arch=$ARCH \
         | awk '/ uuid / {print $4}')
  3. Create a port for the network interface on the bare metal machine which is going to be used for pxeboot. Note that you shouldn't link the Ironic port with a Neutron's port as done before. This will be done by Nova.

     ironic port-create -n $NODE_UUID -a $MAC_ADDRESS
  4. Verify that everything is ready to go

     ironic node-validate $NODE_UUID

    Don't worry about the validation of deploy interface failed. The missing parameters will be set by Nova.

  5. Verify whether the bare metal node was discovered by Nova. The output of nova hypervisor-show 1 should show the value of $RAM_MB on the memory_mb field. You may need to wait a few seconds for this to happen.

  6. Provision the bare metal machine using Nova

     nova boot --flavor bm-flavor-1 --image $MY_IMAGE_UUID \
         --nic net-id=`neutron net-show bm-net -F id -f value` \
  7. Verify the status of the operation by running nova show bm-instance-1

Testing Ironic with VMs

You can test Ironic in an environment where the Openstack one-node system runs on a virtual machine.

Lets assume that

  1. You are using libvirt and you have virt-manager installed

  2. Your VM host has a network interface eth0 which is connected to a trunk port in a switch

  3. Your bare metal machines are in a VLAN with ID $VLAN_ID

On the VM host machine run the following commands

ip link add link eth0 name eth0.20 type vlan id 20
ip link add name br-vlan type bridge
ip link set dev eth0.20 master br-vlan
ip link set eth0.20 up
ip link set br-vlan up

Now, on the network configuration for the virtual machine which runs the one-node system, add another network interface with virt-manager where the source device is "shared device name" and the name of the bridge is br-vlan.

If you don't have a bare metal machine, you can create another virtual machine with a network interface attached to br-vlan and with a MAC address set to $MAC_ADDRESS, and then use the Ironic's pxe_ssh driver to conduct the deployment:

NODE_UUID=$(ironic node-create -d pxe_ssh \
   -i ssh_address=$VM_HOST_IP_ADDR \
   -i ssh_username=$SSH_USERNAME \
   -i ssh_password=$SSH_PASSWORD \
   -i ssh_virt_type=virsh \
   -i deploy_kernel=$DEPLOY_VMLINUZ_UUID \
   -i deploy_ramdisk=$DEPLOY_INITRD_UUID \
   | awk '/ uuid / {print $4}')

Replace $VM_HOST_IP_ADDR, $SSH_USERNAME and $SSH_PASSWORD with the IP address of your VM host, and the username and password for logging in the VM host machine respectively. Ensure that the virtual machine that is going to be provisioned has at least 512M of RAM.

More information

You can find additional information at the official install guide for Ironic.

Tempest Integration Test Suite

After installing the system, it is possible to test that tempest is working correctly by logging into the controller node, navigating to the /etc/tempest directory and running ./ -N this will validate that the installation of tempest has been successfully completed.

When these tests pass you may wish to familiarise yourself with the tempest.conf file that contains information on what tests tempest will run and what authentication will be used. The fields of this file contain documentation on the purpose and use of each field in comment lines above the field and so will not be covered within this documentation.

In order to make easy to configure the "compute" section in tempest.conf, the OpenStack deployment includes a script called ./ which creates a public image in the admin tenant and set the fields: image_ref, image_ssh_user, image_ssh_pasword, image_ref_alt and image_alt_ssh_user.

Remember to set the fields regarding of the network with the values relatives to your network and subnetwork configuration, i.e. the following values are the relatives to the example of the external network and subnetwork created in the neutron section of this guide:

In tempest.conf:

fixed_network_name = ext-net
floating_ip_range =
public_network_id = *UUID* given by `neutron net-show ext-net -F id -f value`
floating_network_name = ext-subnet

In nova.conf:


NOTE: this change requires to restart nova-api service. Please run systemctl restart openstack-nova-api.service after the change for nova-api to get the change.

To run tests against OpenStack itself we may use the command ./ from the /etc/tempest directory this will run tempest on the services specified within the tempest.conf file.

It is possible to test more specific trouble areas of OpenStack without running the whole test and leaving ourselves a large amount of logs to search through. This can be done by specifying the area to run tests against. For example the command ./ api will run only tempest tests that test the functionality of the api.

In the case of Baserock, it is recommended that tempest should not be run in a virtual environment, as downloading and creating dependencies at runtime is something that Baserock is capable of, but not its preferred working methodology. To force tempest to not create a virtual environment for testing purposes, pass the -N argument. This results in the above call becoming ./ api -N

The currently used list of specific areas for testing with tempest is:

./ services -N

./ cli -N

./ api -N

./ scenario -N

./ cmd -N

./ stress -N

./ thirdparty -N


The telemetry service has been configured using the Install guides, other information about this service, like what alarms or information you could get from the cloud can be found in Admin cloud guide.